Archive | 29/05/2013

Home Made Easy Bath Powder

scaled_oatflour   3 tablespoons oatmeal flour
img_5745   1tablespoon oatmeal bran
flaked and ground almond   1 tablespoon ground almonds
Organic-Flour1   1 tablespoon wheat flour, and a few drops of perfume

Mix the ingredients together in a jar and use a little quantity in the bath water.

Burning Tongue


  • Cause:

Yeast infection of the mouth is the main reason for the cause of burning tongue. In addition some of the reasons for the cause of burning tongue are hormonal imbalance during menopause, bad oral habits, medications, acid reflux, nerve damage, endocrine disorders, irritating dentures and deficiency of vitamin B12.

  • Symptom:

Some of the symptoms of burning tongue are as follows dry mouth, sore mouth, thirst, burning sensation in mouth, lips, palate, gums and tongue, loss of taste, numbness on the tip of the tongue, metallic or bitter taste in the mouth.

  • Remedy:

For temporary relief from the symptoms chew a sugar free gum or suck a piece of ice. Use baking soda instead of commercial toothpaste to brush your teeth.



  • Cause:

An important cause of bronchitis is smoking. Excessive smoking irritates the bronchial tubes and lowers their resistance, so that they become vulnerable to germs breathed in from the atmosphere.

Other causes are living or working in a stuffy atmosphere, use of drugs to suppress earlier diseases and hereditary factors.

Changes in weather and environment hasten the onset of the disease.

  • Symptom:

Due to inflammation in the bronchi, large quantities of mucus are secreted and expelled as phlegm. This phlegm is sticky, semifluid and may even be purulent.

The patient suffers from fever, experiences some difficulty in breathing and has a cough.

Other symptoms are hoarseness, pain in the chest and loss of appetite.

  • Remedy:

One of the most effective home remedies for bronchitis is the use of turmeric powder. Half a teaspoon of this powder should be administered with half a glass of milk, two or three times daily. It acts best when taken on an empty stomach. Continue reading