


  • Cause:

A cough may be caused by inflammation of the larynx or the pharynx. A cough can develop in the chest due to change in weather or seasonal changes.

The real cause of this disorder, however, is clogging of the bronchial tubes with waste matter. This is due to wrong feeding habits. The reason for higher incidence of cough during winter than in other seasons is that an average person usually eats more of catarrhforming foods such as white bread, meat, sugar, porridge, puddings and pies during the colder months of the year. Being overclothed with heavy undergarments and other garments during this period also prevents proper aeration of the skin.

  • Symptom:

A person who is going to cough first draws a deep breath in. This action causes his glottis to close and his muscles to contract, thus building up pressure in the chest. Then suddenly, the glottis opens, an explosive discharge of air sweeps through the air passages and carries with it the excess secretions or, in some cases, foreign matter, which has irritated the larynx, trachea or bronchi.

  • Remedy:

Grapes are one of the most effective home remedies for the treatment of a cough. Grapes tone up the lungs and act as an expectorant, relieving a simple cold and cough in a couple of days. A cup of grape juice mixed with a teaspoon of honey is advised for cough relief. Continue reading

Common Fever


  • Cause:

The real cause of all fevers, including common fever, however, is the accumulation of morbid matter in the system due to wrong feeding habits and unhygienic conditions of living. Fever, is, thus, a natural attempt on the part of the body to rid itself of toxic matter.

  • Symptom:

Fever generally begins with slight shivering, pain in the head and various parts of the body, thirst and great lassitude. The flow of urine is scanty.

As the fever rises, the pulse and respiration become faster. Finally, there is profuse sweating, a copious flow of concentrated urine, and general relief of symptoms. The term “fever” has a very wide application. It is the symptom of a body’s fight against infection. It is one of the most common features of several diseases. In many cases, it is a secondary symptom of the disordered state of the body with which it is associated.

  • Remedy:

The leaves of holy basil are one of the most effective of several home remedies in the treatment of common fever. A decoction made of about twelve grams of these leaves, boiled in half a litre of water, should be administeresd twice daily with half a cup of milk, one teaspoon of sugar and a quarter teaspoon of powdered cardamom. This will bring down the temperature. Continue reading

Chest Congestion


  • Cause:

There are several causes of chest congestion, of which, common cold is the most common. However, chest congestion is often a symptom of a more sinister underlying disease. Chest congestion could be a sign of asthma which is a chronic disease. It could also be caused due to bronchitis. Some of the other disorders associated with chest congestion are the flu, airborne alergies, gastroesophageal reflux, pulmonary edema, croup, heart failure, pneumonia, lung cancer and cystic fibrosis.

  • Symptom:

The symptom of chest congestion are pretty identifiable. Shortness of breath, labored breathing, coughing, chest pain, dizziness,runny nose, wheezing, discomfort, blood on cough and loud noises while breathing are all common symptoms of chest congestion. However, sometimes, chest congestion is itself a symptom which is accompanied by several other symtoms. If chest congestion is a resultant of flu, it may be accompanied by fever, chills, body ache and malaise. The symptoms of chest congestion therefore depend to a great extent, on its cause. These symptoms may appear in isolation or sometimes, all of them could also occur together. Continue reading

Bee Sting


  • Cause:

When you are stung by a bee

  • Symptom:

Immediate pain, redness, swelling and itching at the sting site may occur.

A bacterial skin inflection, although uncommon, may also begin during the first 12-36 hours.

These may cause an enlarging area of redness at the sting site. It may be difficult to tell a local skin reaction and a local bacterial skin infection apart.

  • Remedy:

Remove any stingers remaining in the skin (most likely from bees) immediately. Some experts recommend scraping out the stinger with a credit card. However,it is probably more important to get the stinger out as quickly as possible than to be overly concerned about how it is removed.

Application of ice to the sting site may provide some mild relief. Ice may be applied for 20 minutes once every hours as needed. Cloth should be placed between the ice and skin to avoid freezing the skin.

Make a paste of baking soda and water and apply. This will soothe as well as keep any swelling down. Using a thick paste, just leave it over the stung area for about five minutes and you will find great relief.



  • Cause:

Weak back and abdominal muscles

Prolonged stooping, sitting and standing in just one position

Poor posture

Sudden twisting or vigorous jerking of the trunk

Menstrual pain is also known to indirectly cause backache among women

Straining of joints

Muscular and joint pain

Lack of nutrition

Eating junk foods

Improper functioning of the kidneys


Lack of exercise



Wearing of high heels

Kidney or prostate problems

Pregnancy Continue reading

Bad Breath


  • Cause:

Bad breath originates in mouth and causes could be many.

Food: The breakdown of food particles in and around your teeth can cause a foul odor. Eating foods containing volatile oils is another source of bad breath.

Poor dental hygiene and periodontal disease can be a source of bad breath. If you don’t brush and floss daily, food particles remain in your mouth, collecting bacteria and emitting hydrogen sulfide vapors.

Dry mouth: Saliva helps cleanse and moisten your mouth. A dry mouth enables dead cells to accumulate on your tongue, gums and cheeks. These cells then decompose and cause odor.

Diseases: Chronic lung infections and lung abscesses can produce very foul-smelling breath. Other illnesses, such as some cancers and certain metabolic disorders, can cause a distinctive breath odor.

Mouth, nose and throat conditions. Bad breath is also associated with sinus infections because nasal discharge from your sinuses into the back of your throat can cause mouth odor.

  • Symptom:

As it originates inside the mouth, the symptom is the foul order or bad breath itself.

  • Remedy:

Baking Soda mixed with warm water makes an excellent gargle for ridding yourself of bad breath. You may see many types of toothpaste that have a baking soda base to them and there’s good reason for this.

Burning Tongue


  • Cause:

Yeast infection of the mouth is the main reason for the cause of burning tongue. In addition some of the reasons for the cause of burning tongue are hormonal imbalance during menopause, bad oral habits, medications, acid reflux, nerve damage, endocrine disorders, irritating dentures and deficiency of vitamin B12.

  • Symptom:

Some of the symptoms of burning tongue are as follows dry mouth, sore mouth, thirst, burning sensation in mouth, lips, palate, gums and tongue, loss of taste, numbness on the tip of the tongue, metallic or bitter taste in the mouth.

  • Remedy:

For temporary relief from the symptoms chew a sugar free gum or suck a piece of ice. Use baking soda instead of commercial toothpaste to brush your teeth.



  • Cause:

An important cause of bronchitis is smoking. Excessive smoking irritates the bronchial tubes and lowers their resistance, so that they become vulnerable to germs breathed in from the atmosphere.

Other causes are living or working in a stuffy atmosphere, use of drugs to suppress earlier diseases and hereditary factors.

Changes in weather and environment hasten the onset of the disease.

  • Symptom:

Due to inflammation in the bronchi, large quantities of mucus are secreted and expelled as phlegm. This phlegm is sticky, semifluid and may even be purulent.

The patient suffers from fever, experiences some difficulty in breathing and has a cough.

Other symptoms are hoarseness, pain in the chest and loss of appetite.

  • Remedy:

One of the most effective home remedies for bronchitis is the use of turmeric powder. Half a teaspoon of this powder should be administered with half a glass of milk, two or three times daily. It acts best when taken on an empty stomach. Continue reading

Bone Spur


  • Cause:

Bone spur is mainly found in people suffering from osteoarthritis. Body of an osteoarthritis patient always attempts to cover up the loss done by osteoarthritis by breaking down the cartilage in bone joints. To cover up this loss, the body creates new bones along the affected bones. In the elderly, the reason for bone spur is that their body creates extra bone to provide stability to their aging joints. Bone spur is also a symptom of diseases like spondylosis, plantar fasciitis, spondylosis and spinal stenosis. Nutrition, lifestyle, accidents and sport injuries are some factors that can accelerate bone spur.

  • Symptom:

Back pain and neck pain are the most common symptoms of bone spur. Patients could experience mild pain in the neck and the lower back while standing and walking.

If bone spur is developed in the cervical spine then the patient will experience pain in the shoulders and headache in some cases.

Patient will experience pain in thigh if bone spur is developed in lumbar spine. Numbness, tingling, progressive weakness and pain in arms and legs are some other symptoms of bone spur due to compression of the nerves.

  • Remedy:

First step for treating bone spur through home remedies is to reduce inflammation. Apply an ice pack to the inflamed area 4 to 5 times in a day. This will help to reduce the inflammation. If the problem is more severe then apply heating pad on the inflamed area. Continue reading



  • Cause:

Sometimes a boil develops when a splinter or some foreign object finds itself lodged in the person’s skin. The body then reacts to this foreign object by creating a boil.

Some boils are the result of bacterial infection. For example, the boils called furuncles come about because of the bacteria called Staphylococcus aureus.

Cystic acne is caused by blocked oil ducts. These develop into abscesses or boils when they are left untreated.

A boil is actually a sign that your body is fighting the bacteria that is found in the area of this pus-filled bump. The pus that is found in the abscess are actually white blood cells that are trying to eradicate the bacteria that is living in the wound or the bump where the boil is.

Boils can easily develop from open wounds you have should it become infected by bacteria.

Other reason: When body’s immunity level weakens due to diseases and medicines then chances of getting furuncles increases in such people. Common health disorders which damage the immune systems are diabetes, kidney failures and liver problems. Other risk factors responsible for its development are – previous history of boils infection or carbuncles, chemical exposure, wearing clothes that cause skin irritation, usage of glycerin based products, presence of other skin conditions like acne and infected wounds. Continue reading

Body Rash


  • Cause:

Skin rash could occur as a result of a variety of reasons:

  • Allergy to dyes and chemicals in clothing.
  • Chemicals present in elastic, latex and rubber products.
  • As a reaction to cosmetics, perfumes, soaps and detergents.

Some of the causes for back rash are:

  • Heat rash
  • Dermatitis
  • Measles
  • Dry skin
  • Ichthyosis
  • Symptom:

Little, red itchy or non-itchy bumps on the skin. Stinging or burning sensation on the affected area.

  • Remedy:

Applying olive oil to the rash could provide some relief. Continue reading

Body odor


  • Cause:

Body odor may be due to serious illness. Body odor may be due to kidney disease, fungal infections, liver disease and so on. If you take some strong medicines then the smell of those medicines may be preset in your body odor. Diabetic patient may smell of acetone because of insulin that they take. If you drink alcohol, smoke cigarette or cigar you will have an unpleasant body odor. Body odor may also be due to zinc deficiency, cavities, toxins and so on. It is often related with sweating of the body, but the unpleasant odor is mainly due to bacteria present in the sweat. The major non-food reason for body odor due to sweating is the sweat glands under the arms and in the groin area. Poor hygiene is the most common reason for body odor.

  • Symptom:

Being nervous or anxious could be a symptom of body odor. Heavy sweating due to strenuous physical exercise should tell you that you are going to smell badly. You may feel the unpleasant odor yourself.



  • Cause:

Bedwetting in children may be due to immature nervous system due to which the child is not able to feel that his bladder is full.

Sometimes it is also because of small bladder due to which the bladder is not able to hold all the urine produced during the night.

In a very rare case it may be due to some defects in the urinary system.

Some medical conditions like urinary tract infection, constipation, diabetes, sickle-cell anemia or epilepsy may also cause bedwetting.

Hormonal factors, wherein there is inadequate antidiuretic hormone. This hormone reduces the amount of urine produced by the kidneys.

Spinal cord abnormalities.

Genetic factors. Continue reading



  • Cause:

There are several causes of bloating: however, the most common is the accumulation of gas and liquids in the intestines. There are also specific diseases affecting the gastrointestinal tract which may cause bloating. Ailments such as Crohn’s Disease, may cause obstruction of the bowels and may contribute to the bloating symptoms.

When food is not ingested properly, or water intake is not adequate, that too is a cause of bloating. The excessive intake of fatty foods can cause the formation of a layer of fat on the body, causing pressure and bloating.

Intolerance towards foods like lactose, fructose and proteins can disrupt the digestion process, causing the release of gases and liquids and ultimately resulting in bloating. Some of the other causes of bloating are food allergies, overeating, swallowing of air while eating, irritable bowel syndrome, obstruction of the bowels, rapid emptying of the bowels, constipation, menstruation and cysts in the ovaries.

  • Symptom:

The characteristic symptom of bloating is tightness in the chest, abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting. There is a significant change I the bowel movements. The stools become dark and could even be bloody. The consistency of stool may change, becoming either watery and loose or hard and constipated. Continue reading

Bed Sores


  • Cause:

Restricted activity due to confinement to bed, chair or wheelchair.

Inability to change position by self as and when required or incase of discomfort.

Moisture causing conditions such as bladder incontinence, loss of bowel control cause moisture accumulation on the skin causing irritation to skin.

Dehydration and poor nutrition are also main causes that lead to undernourished skin conditions and consequently cause bed sores.

Bed ridden patients experience decreases levels of mental awareness on account of medications or other reasons and therefore do not react immediately to the need of changing positions or easing discomforting positions in bed or chair.

  • Symptom:

Signs of infection such as moistness of skin, odor, pus formation or swelling.

Discoloration of skin. Continue reading

Bacterial Vaginitis


  • Cause:

The main cause of bacterial vaginitis is an overgrowth of anaerobic bacteria and the Gardnerella organism. Generally in a vagina there are more Lactobacillus bacteria than bad bacteria like Gardnerella Vaginalis and Mobiluncus. When the number of bad bacteria increases in vagina, they upset the balance and this imbalance causes bacterial vaginitis.

Repeated sexual intercourses in a short duration which leads to a rise in the vaginal pH and results in growth of bacteria and infection like symptoms.

Moisture (for long period of time) in the vaginal area caused by restrictive and nonabsorbent synthetic clothing – use of chemicals that may cause irritation.

Use of antibiotics that disrupt the balance of the bacterial environment in the vagina.

  • Symptom:

There could be changes in the odor and colour of the vaginal discharge.

Itching or irritation in vagina.

Pain while urinating. Continue reading



  • Cause:

The usual cause of belching or burping is the presence of gas in your stomach and this gas is then pushed up back your esophagus and out your mouth, causing you to burp.

Some of the kinds of food that causes a person to produce too much gas in their stomach include fresh fruits, certain vegetables, fizzy drinks like soda and beer and even fruit juices like apple juice, prune juice or grape juice causes excess stomach gas.

When you are suffering from a bout of belching, try to see if you have not been swallowing a lot of air lately due to what you have been doing. One of the ways you might be swallowing a lot of air lately could be when you are chewing gum. Other things that may make you inhale more air than is necessary include chewing tobacco or even smoking cigars or cigarettes. Sucking on a lollipop or a piece of candy can also be a reason for taking in more air than is necessary.

There are other reasons why a person may be belching a lot and these may be due to an underlying health reason. Some digestive disorders, like peptic ulcers, can cause a person to belch more than is usual. Continue reading



  • Cause:

Burns need not be only caused due to touching hot things or fire. It may be caused due to electric appliances or live wire, over exposure to sun etc. What ever the cause may be, it only gives you the pain. Small children experience more severe pain due to their sensitive skin.

  • Symptom:

Burn symptoms depend upon its severity. A mild burn of first degree will only cause red skin and a mild pain. It takes about three to six days to heal. Second-degree burns may cause swelling, blisters and peel the skin. Third-degree burns are very severe: they may cause white or black charred skin. As they damage the nerves there may be no pain initialy. They damage the skin layers beneath the top layer.

  • Remedy:

After a burn, the very first thing that you should do is to reduce the temperature of the burnt area. Put lots of chilled water or dip that body part into chilled water for 15 to 30 minutes.

Apply honey to the wound once you have washed the wound properly. It will prevent infection and will heal the wound. Continue reading



  • Cause:

Generally bruises are caused when a minor skin injury occurs. However there are other reasons as well. Heavy and rigorous exercise may cause bruises, which results from microscopic tears in blood vessels underneath the skin. Bleeding disorders, could be one of the reasons for inexplicable bruises. Bruises in elderly people may be due to thinning of the skin. Bumps (often unnoticed) cause bruises in areas such as the shin or thigh.

  • Symptom:

A fresh bruise is tender, painful and appears to be reddish in colour. After few hours it changes to dark purple or blue colour. As it nears healing it will be of yellow or green colour. Generally, there is no risk of infection in case of a bruise as with a scrape or cut. This is because the skin is not broken and is not exposed to the environment.

  • Remedy:

Apply buchu or Comfrey tea on the bruise. This will prevent discoloration of skin and reduce the pain. Continue reading

Back Pain


  • Cause:

Common causes of back pain can mainly be described as:

Strains: The most common causes of back pain are things such as maintaining an awkward position for too long, making sudden awkward movements, overusing the back muscles, bad posture, lifting heavy weights improperly. All of these can strain the muscles and ligaments in the back, causing pain that lasts till the affected parts have recovered.

Injury or cumulative damage: One common cause of back pain is conditions such as a “slipped disc”, in which part of an intervertebral disc bulges out from the spine, compressing nerves and causing terrible pain. This is usually the result of suddenly lifting things with the back bent. In addition, like any other bone, the bones in the spine can also get fractured as a result of trauma.

Degenerative conditions: Conditions such as arthritis and osteoporosis affect the bones and/or joints, and the spine is no exception.

Psychological problems: It may be surprising to know that depression and stress can sometimes cause back pain even in cases where no other problem can be detected. Continue reading



  • Cause:

Asthma is caused by a variety of factors. It may be due to an allergy caused by weather conditions, food, drugs, perfumes and other irritants. Allergies to dust are the most common.

  • Symptom:

Patients suffering from asthma appear to be gasping for breath. Actually, they have more difficulty in breathing out than breathing in and this is caused by spasms or sudden involuntary muscular contractions of the smaller air passages in the lungs. Continue reading



  • Cause:

The most important causes of arteriosclerosis are lack of physical exercise, excessive intake of white sugar, refined foods and a high fat diet rich in cholesterol.

Other diseases such as high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes may also cause hardening of the arteries. Emotional stress plays an important part and heart attacks are more common during periods of mental and emotional disturbances, particularly in those engaged in sedentary occupations.

Heredity also plays its role and this disease runs in families.

  • Symptom:

Inadequate blood supply in the legs: The symptoms of arteriosclerosis vary according to the arteries involved. Signs of inadequate blood supply generally appear first in the legs. There may be numbness and coldness in the feet and cramps and pains in the legs even after light exercise. Continue reading



  • Cause:

Appendicitis is initiated by the presence of an excessive amount of poisonous waste material in the caecum. As a result, the appendix gets irritated and inflamed. Inflammation and infection are caused by certain germs which are usually present in the intestinal tract.

  • Symptom:

Appendicitis usually begins with a sudden pain in the centre of the abdomen. The pain may be preceded by general discomfort in the abdomen, indigestion, diarrhoea or constipation. Gradually, the pain shifts to the lower right side and is usually accompanied by a fever varying from 38 C to 39 C.

Nausea is common and the patient may vomit once or twice. In the chronic state of appendicitis, the patient may suffer from recurrent pain in the right lower abdomen, constipation, loss of appetite and mild nausea.

  • Remedy:

Green gram is a proven home remedy for acute appendicitis. An infusion of green gram is an excellent medicine for treating this condition. It can be taken in a small quantity of one tablespoon three times a day. Continue reading



  • Cause:

Unllike a physical disease or medical condition, there are no specific causes of anxiety. A variety of causes can combine to have a negative effect on a person, ultimately resulting in an anxiety disorder. The body’s chemical processes, one’s life experiences and many other factors play a role. There can be specific elements of your life and environment that make you anxious and contribute to the problem of anxiety, such as work pressure, academic expectations or major illness or there can be a general existential crisis. Constant worry can cause panic attacks.

  • Symptom:

Like many psychological problems, an anxiety disorder is a little difficult to detect, particularly as many of the symptoms are normal human responses. The key difference however is that these responses occur without any stimulus. Sometimes the individual is almost constantly in a state of worry, while others may experience sudden, unprovoked “anxiety attacks”. Continue reading



  • Cause:

Impairment of brain cells: The main cause of amnesia is the impairment of brain cells by diseases which affect them directly or indirectly, due to a poor blood supply caused by circulatory diseases.

Psychological causes: Por memory also results from dullness of intellect and weakness of the brain. Many cases are, however, largely psychological in origin. They are caused by anxiety neurosis, resulting from attentionseeking in persons obsessed with their own problems. Temporary loss of memory may result from an injury.

  • Symptom:

Memory loss.

  • Remedy:

Rosemary: The most remarkable remedy for loss of memory or forgetfulness is the use of the herb rosemary, botanically known as Romarinus officinalis. Rosemary has long been regarded as a herb for remembrance. A tea made from this herb, taken once or twice a day, is a refreshing drink and an effective natural remedy for enhancing mental agility. Continue reading



  • Cause:

While Alzheimer’s is a problem that comes with age, there is a type of this disease that can affect younger individuals between 30 to 60 years old. This is called early onset Alzheimer’s and is said to be caused by genetics. The chances of a person getting early cases of Alzheimer’s is often dependent on whether a parent has it and these chances stand at 50 percent of the person having early Alzheimer’s due to this factor.

There are still no real findings as to what causes the illness aside from genetic disposition. The gene that seems to be seen as the probable cause of an increased risk of getting Alzheimer’s in their old age is the gene called APOE or apoliprotein E. It has been seen that one of the many forms of this gene has been detected in around 40 percent of the people with this disease. While this may seem conclusive, a third of the people who suffer from Alzheimer’s do not seem to have this gene though.

  • Symptom:

Whether a person has early onset or late onset Alzheimer’s, this form of dementia is characterized by the same symptoms in early or late forms.

Memory loss, disorientation and confusion are just a couple of the symptoms of Alzheimer’s: but these can also be simple, everyday forgetfulness that may come with the aging process. To determine if a person is suffering from Alzheimer’s other symptoms that point to this problem have to be present as well. Continue reading



  • Cause:

Anemia is caused by a few things, but two of the main avenues of the development of anemia stems from either the decrease of the hemoglobin or red blood cell production of the body or by a person losing a lot of blood due to an injury or because of the destruction of this blood due to an illness. Here are other causes that can be cited for why a person may have anemia:

One of the major reasons why a person may have anemia is the low intake of iron in the diet or in the system in general. Iron deficiency can indeed cause anemia and is actually one of the most common causes of this problem.

Acute anemia is caused by bleeding or hemorrhaging due to an internal or external injury. This is due to the excessive loss of blood brought about by this event. This is usually an anemia that occurs after a persoon has an accident or a traumatic physical injury.

Pernicious anemia can be caused by a deficiency in vitamin B12. This is usually an anemia that afflicts severe vegetarians and long-term alcoholocs. This inability to absorb vitamin B12 into the system from natural sources and from supplements usually is because of these problems.

  • Symptom:

When a person has anemia, he may or may not easily see symptoms that may cause him to suspect he has anemia. This is because some symptoms are rather common and can easily be misunderstood. These symptoms include tiredness, fatigue, palpitations and paleness. These symptoms can be attributed to other prolems as well, so for proper diagnosis, other signs have to be checked as well. Continue reading



  • Cause:

One of the causes of angina is when a person is already suffering from a heart disease or ailment.

Coronary artery disease is one of the major causes of angina and is caused by the built-up of fatty deposits in the person’s coronary arteries, usually under the lining.

Angina is caused by the narrowing of the arteries thereby causing less blood to flow into the heart. When a person exerts himself and more blood is needed by the heart for such an effort, a tightening occurs due to lack of blood to the heart from such a narrow passage.

People who are prone to getting angina are people who are overweight, middle-aged people and cigarette smokers.

Men are most likely to have angina than women.

Other people who are at risk include people with hypertension or high blood pressure, people who love to eat food high in cholesterol, those who do not exercise much and those who are obese.

Other factors that may cause a person to suffer from angina include diabetes and genetic factors or heredity.

  • Symptom:

Angina can be usually felt as any of these symptoms: pressure across the chest, a marked heaviness in your chest, the tightening of the area across your chest or a squeezing pain in the same area.

You can also feel a tightening of the breastbone in the back when you are suffering from an angina. Continue reading



  • Cause:

People suffer from anorexia when they habitually take a faulty diet and hardly do any physical work.

It may also result from stress and strain such as domestic worry, emotional disturbances, difficult working conditions and nervous disorders. General body disorders and diseases also lead to this condition.

  • Symptom:

People suffering from anorexia may refuse to eat and suffer from insomnia. In course of time, emaciation becomes severe.

  • Remedy:

Oranges are an extremely useful remedy for anorexia. They stimulate the flow of digestive juices, thereby improving digestion and increasing appetite. One or two oranges a day are advised.

Sour grapes are another effective remedy for anorexia. The juice of these grapes should be used in kneading the flour before preparing wheat tortilla. Wheat tortilla made in this manner should be eaten continuously for two to three weeks. This remedy will tone up the stomach and improve the appetite.

Lime is also a valuable remedy for restoring a lost appetite. A preparation made from this fruit and ginger has been found very effective in overcoming this condition. About one teaspoon of the juice of lime should be mixed with an equal quantity of the juice of ginger. One gram of rock salt should be added to this mixture. It should then be placed in sunlight for three days. A teaspoon taken after each meal will tone up the digestive system and improve the appetite. Continue reading



  • Cause:

A lot of substances can trigger allergy attacks and here are some of the more popularly known ones:

Pollen and Other Airborne Allergens: Airborne allergens are often those substances that cause an allergic reaction to occur once a person comes in contact with these substances through the air. They can either breathe these substances in or have these substances land on their skin from the air.

Food and Other Ingested Allergens: Food is another common source of allergies for people. Most of the people who are known to have allergies to food often include shellfish, seafood, eggs, milk and nuts as cause of allergic reactions.

Drugs and Medication: This allergen can be confusing sometimes since a lot of drugs do have certain side effects that can be easily be seen as an allergic reaction or the other way around.

Insect Bites: Some people may get a little itch or small swollen area when bitten by a particular insect but those who have allergies to certain insect bites or stings often experience extreme reactions to such bites, indicating that they are allergic to such an insect bite.

  • Symptom:

Not all allergic reactions show up the same way. Depending on the sensitivity of the person to the allergen, he or she can expect to experience such cold-like symptoms like a runny nose, watery eyes, sneezing and difficulty in breathing due to mucus build-up.

An allergic reaction to certain foods and substances can also cause a person to break out in rashes or in acne. Some people may see small red dots all over their body emerge as a result of an allergic reaction. Sometimes the skin swell up in certain areas where the allergen may have come in contact with the skin. Continue reading



  • Cause:

While the general causes of Arthritis are known, the specific causes are unknown in most cases.

Genetics: Exactly how much heredity or genetics contributes to the cause of arthritis is not well understood. However, there are likely genetic variations that can contribute to the cause of arthritis.

Age: Cartilage becomes more brittle with age and has less of a capacity to repair itself. As people grow older they are more likely to develop arthritis.

Weight: Because joint damage is partly dependent on the load the joint has to support, excess body weight can lead to arthritis. This is especially true of the hips and knees that can be worn quickly in heavier patients.

Previous Injury: Joint damage can cause irregularities in the normal smooth joint surface. Previous major injuries can be part of the cause of arthritis. An example of an injury leading to arthritis is a tibial plateau fracture, where the broken area of bone enters the cartilage of the knee joint.

Occupational Hazards: Workers in some specific occupations seem to have a higher risk of developing arthritis than other jobs. There are primarily high demand jobs such as assembly line workers and heavy construction.

Some High-Level Sports: It is difficult to determine how much sports participation contributes to development of arthritis. Certainly, sports participation can lead to join injury and subsequent arthritis. However, the benefits of activity likely outweigh any risk of arthritis.

Illness or Infection: People who experience a joint infection (septic joint), multiple episodes of gout, or other medical conditions, can develop arthritis of the joint.



  • Cause:

There are many causes to Acne. Hormonal activity, such as menstrual cycles and puberty. During puberty, an increase in male sex hormones called androgens cause the follicular glands to grow larger and make more sebum. The tendency to develop acne runs in families. For example, school-age boys with acne often have other members in their family with acne as well. A family history of acne is associated with an earlier occurence of acne and an increased number of retentional acne lesions. Stress also can be the cause. Acne is also caused due to a devitalised condition of the skin which is a result of unhygienic living habits, excessive consumption of tea, coffee, alcohol or tobacco and sedentary habits, which lead to indigestion and general debility.

  • Symptom:

When you have acne, you will find that there is more to it than the simple pimple or bump on your face. Acne can encompass even other types of bumps that can emerge even on your chest and your back. There are two types of acne: inflamed and non-inflamed. You can tell that the non-inflamed types of acne are those smaller types that do not show any signs of redness or infection and these include blackheads, milia, uneven skin texture brought about by small bumps on the skin and whiteheads. When acne is inflamed, this is often characterized by the swelling of the bump and the redness that can be seen on these bumps and around them. Aside from the redness, another symptom that inflamed acne presents you with is the development of pus or an oozing liquid that can be pretty sticky. These forms of acne can also create scabs and result in the crusting of these bumps.

  • Remedy:

Make a paste of natural yogurt and oatmeal, this is then applied to dry on the face. Once dry it is removed with lukewarm water and is said to provide some long lasting relief from acne breakouts.

Athlete’s Foot


  • Cause:

Moist and damp conditions are suitable for the growth of the fungus causing athlete’s foot. They mostly occur on feet because shoes and commonly visited places like swimming pool, showers, bathrooms and so on provides the suitable environment for the fungus to grow. You can get infected by sharing socks or shoes with an infected person. Sometimes you may get infected through pets because they carry the fungus on their fur.

  • Symptom:

Here are the common signs and symptoms an individual will experience when having contracted the illness.

The first evidence of infection is itching.

Maceration or sodden skin looking would also be observed.

Presence of scaliness between the toes most often in the fourth and fifth toes, which are more close together.

Later, deep cracks develop.

Fissures develop as well.

Lesions will then start to spread to the soles and top of the feet.

Formation of small watery blisters forms.

When this blister erupts, they leave scales as they dry and peel. Continue reading

Air Sickness

Yeti Airlines air sickness bag2-thumb-300x400-122755

  • Cause:

A sensation induced by air travel. Airsickness occurs when the central nervous system receives conflicting messages from the body (including the inner ear, eyes and muscles) affecting balance and equilibrium.

  • Symptom:

Nausea, vomiting, vertigo, loss of appetite, cold sweating, skin pallor, difficulty concentrating, confusion, drowsiness, headache and increased fatigue. Severe airsickness may cause a person to become completely incapacitated.

  • Remedy:

Try to reserve a seat over the wing of the plane as here you will feel less turbulence. Be well rested before you fly and wear loose clothes. Do not over eat and try to avoid alcohol and smoking. Recline your seat if possible.

When nauseous, try to put half nutmeg under your toungue. It will keep the sickness away.